Kara Ağaç Destanı Plot Begins with a young man arriving from Harran, reminiscent of the saying...
Tag - cast
Bahar (Blooming Lady) subject cast
Bahar, leading a life as a stay-at-home mom, made a decision to bring about significant changes in...
Kül Masalı Turkish Drama (Cinder Tale) subject actors
TRT 1’s captivating series “Cinder Tale” immerses viewers into a compelling...
“Gelin” (Bride) Turkish Drama subject cast
Channel 7 is now introducing an exciting adventure to its viewers, following the success of many...
İnci Taneleri (Pearl Grains) Story Cast
Kanal D’s latest series, “İnci Taneleri,” unfolds the narrative of Azem Yücedağ...
Bir Sevdadır (It’s A Love) Subject Cast
TRT 1’s new series “Bir Sevdadır” has embarked on its broadcasting journey. The...