Burak Deniz is a successful actor and model who holds a prominent place in the Turkish television...
Author - Turkish Buzz
Who is Alina Boz?
Alina Boz was born on June 14, 1998, in Moscow. Although born in Moscow, she is registered as a...
Çağatay Ulusoy biography
Çağatay Ulusoy was born on September 23, 1990, in Istanbul. He graduated from Istanbul...
Kenan İmirzalıoğlu biography
Kenan İmirzalıoğlu was born on June 18, 1974, in the village of Üçem in Ankara. He began his...
Who is Melih Özkaya?
Melih Özkaya is known as a Turkish actor and former professional volleyball player. He was born on...
Kara Ağaç Destanı TRT 1 Series
Kara Ağaç Destanı Plot Begins with a young man arriving from Harran, reminiscent of the saying...